Thank you. ( Applause) And it costs the same as a normal syringe. And in comparison, a Coca-Cola is 10 times the price. And that will stop reusing a syringe 20 or 30 times. 谢谢(掌声)这和一般的针筒的价格是一样的,跟可口可乐比起来,可口可乐比它贵了十倍这可以防止针筒重复被使用20或30遍。
And beyond the changes it promises for the Chinese business – price cuts – GSK will stop payments to doctors for junkets and revise how it pays salespeople. 除了承诺在中国改革(也就是降价)之外,GSK将停止向医生支付旅游费用,并修改其销售人员的工资计算方式。
When prices fall back through the lowest low price of the last twenty days, the trade is exited using a sell stop order. 当价格击穿最近20天低点,就会触发我们的卖出止损指令,退出交易。
To the behaviour that is confirmed not being suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price, Ministry of Commerce should stop investigation on it. 对确认不存在低开出口发票行为的,商务部应终止调查。
As it sees the falling property price as enemy# 1, it is trying to stop it. 因为它将房地产价格下跌视做头号敌人,并试图加以阻止。
But when I saw this dress and the price, I couldn't stop myself. 但是当我看到这件衣服的价格,我无法'吨停止自己。
If the government were to take the bonds off the banks'hands at their current price, that would stop the bleeding. 如果政府愿意以现在价格从银行手里取得债券,那么银行将停止流血。
Governments will eventually put in place price controls but if you tell someone they can only make so much money he is going to stop producing. 有的政府最终决定实施价格控制,假设你告诉某人,他们的产品只能卖这个限定价格,那他们将停止生产,减少供应。
Starr says.'In any other business, if something doesn't make back its price, you stop making it. 在其它商业领域,如果不能收回成本,那么你就停止生产了。
The price of the eggs is going up again. The government should stop within 3 yuan. 蛋价又涨了,政府应该把价格控制在3块钱。
To checked property related to the price law violating acts and, if necessary, order the people concerned to stop business operation. 检查与价格违法行为有关的财物,心要时可以责令当事人暂停相关营业;
The municipal price control and other related departments will soon start an adjustment process for taxi price, after a new taxi tariff is in practice, the collection of fuel surcharge will stop. 下一步,物价等相关部门将启动出租车调价程序,待出租车运价新方案出台后,将取消出租车临时燃料附加费。
Once the sell stop-limit order is triggered, it is possible that the order is filled at a price above the stop price if the market bounces back quickly. 在限价止蚀沽盘触发后,沽盘可能因市价迅速反弹而以高于止蚀价成交。
In addition, bigger power price difference between the peak and bottom time not only makes high voltage motors start and stop frequently, but also deteriorate their operation conditions and worsen the control quality. 同时,随着电网峰谷差越来越大,频繁的调峰任务使得高压电机的启停次数增加,恶化了电机运行条件,也使得调节品质不佳。
Only trade self restraint is the practicable selection to impel the enterprises to turn price competition into non price competition, and finally stop the price war. 只有行业自律才是促使企业由价格竞争转向非价格竞争,从而逐步解决价格战问题的可行选择。
Price controls for monopoly credence goods market will not achieve any positive regulation, cannot stop the efficiency loss caused by hospital on consumer surplus possession and over-treatment, but will also cause further waste of resources. 价格管制对于垄断的信任品市场起不到任何正面的规制作用,不能阻止医院对消费者剩余的占有和过度治疗造成的效率损失,而且会造成进一步的效率损失和资源浪费。
The central bank should set up risk warning mechanism of financial system as to monitor the influence of asset price fluctuations on financial stability, regulate the liquidity and stop the credit funds 'illegal flowing into the stock market and real estate market. 论文认为,央行应该建立金融系统风险预警机制,以此监控资产价格波动对金融稳定的影响。同时,调控流动性,杜绝信贷资金违规进入股票市场和房地产市场。
Impacted by the double blow of the high price of raw materials and the low price of products, more and more small and medium sized steel enterprises have no profit. Under this pressure the small and medium sized steel enterprises choose to stop their business. 在原材料大幅涨价和产品价格持续低迷的双重打击下,目前不少中小钢企已陷入无利可图的境地,在这种压力下,越来越多的中小钢企纷纷选择停产歇业。